Saturday, June 27, 2009

In a Strangler-hold...

A beautiful package was awaiting Wonky on her arrival home from a hectic week of work last night...It was this gem from The Clunes Strangler that Wonky ordered at the Daylesford Makers Market last month.

Wonky's laptop never need shiver again...Thanks Darren - I really love the paisley trim.

The Clunes Strangler is now on Etsy and has super cool stuff...

Cowboy up

Wonky has gone quiet in Blogland (like a submarine in enemy waters) but has been busy finishing off a few projects like this... destined for a friend in Queensland...

It's been sitting half-finished waiting for inspiration to strike in finding a suitable binding to soften the black and white for a bub...Then Wonky stumbled upon this Liberty print at Patchwork on Central Park and fell in love. The back is a soft green and white check...You like??

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lemon delicious...

Wonky just wandered past this bowl of lemons and the gorgeous new scarf she bought at the Melbourne Design Market on the weekend from Fibre Red...In the words of Bruce McAvaney..."delicious"....


My creation
Originally uploaded by wonkydonkey1
Wonky is feeling pretty tech-ie today.
Flickr - tick
Picnik - tick
BigHugeLabs - ticketty, tick, tick

Wonky was playing around with her camera in the garden this morning and after much profanity and a settling cup of tea, was able to create this mosaic for her much-neglected blog...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Travels of a wandering donkey

Wonky braved the elements - searing heat and all that (read mist and rain and general brrrr) for the Daylesford Makers Market on the weekend...
But it was worth it to find this....(now home to my ipod)

and to be sick-to-the-stomach with excitement waiting for very own version of this from a gorgeous "sheep breeds of New Zealand tea-towel" I picked out from Darren's stash...Thanks ever so to Allison at Lark, who writes one of my favourite blogs, for the heads-up about the Clunes Strangler.

Wonky also stopped in at Smythesdale last week and collected a loveley Sparks jar for all those flowers Donkey doesn't buy her ("Why would you want me to give you the sexual organs of plants?" is his philosophy) and some faded union jack flags she plans to turn into cushions for the day she owns a lovely weathered Chesterfield.

Wonky's hooked

Wonky has gone quiet - partly 'cause she seems to have the swine and partly 'cause she's so damn hooked on well...hooking (the okay to talk about in front my of my mother kind).
Wonky's knocked up eight squares this week...only about 92 to go by her count...
Wonky would so like a gorgeous blanket like this but with the occasional raised flower ....
But she thinks this needs some bright red....and may have to sacrifice the pink and navy one unless it starts growing on her fast!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Yip, yip, yahoy! I really truly think I've got it

At last...Wonky has finally mastered the granny.

After weeks of attempts so bad either she - or her loyal (and yarn intrusive hound), Lord Pardington - have ended up pulling them apart, Wonky last night finally finished a granny square.
She was so proud she woke up Donkey to show him, who - it must be said - was impressively enthusiastic albeit with eyes shut.
Wonky can't believe it's taken this long to sink into her dense donkey-like skull....
Thanks Pip whose gorgeous book illuminated the way to hooky goodness.....